

ARTICLE I, Section I. Membership 

 ​The GCDP shall consist of all the elected and appointed precinct persons within the county. ARTICLE I, Section II. Officers 

 ​The regular officers of the GCDP shall consist of a Chair, Vice -Chair, Secretary and Treasurer, who shall all serve a biennial term. 

 Officers shall be nominated from the pool of Precinct Committee Persons elected at the last primary Election. Officers shall be elected at the biennial Organizational Meeting of the GDC as provided by State law. New unopposed officers shall begin their terms on January first or the day following determination of the final results of their elections, whichever comes last. When Vote by Mail is required, selected candidates at the Organizational Meeting shall begin their terms on January first or the day following determination of results of their Vote by Mail elections, whichever comes last. ​(Reference: Arizona Revised Statutes, Title 16, Sections 821-828) 

ARTICLE I, Section III. Vacancies in the Executive Offices 

 ​If an elected officer of the Executive Committee resigns or is removed from office or dies, the office shall be filled from the roster of the elected and appointed Precinct Committee Persons by a majority vote of the elected and appointed Precinct Committee Persons subject to the presence of a quorum at a meeting at which at least twenty-one (21) days notice has been given by mail to Precinct Committee Persons of an intent to fill the vacancy. Such officers shall serve in an interim capacity for the remainder of the Biennium. 

ARTICLE I, Section IV. Removal from Office 

 ​A GCDP Officer may be removed from office by a two-thirds vote of the Executive Committee. If a GCDP Officer does not request an excuse and is absent for three consecutive meetings, Executive Committee or GCDP meeting, such absence shall be deemed a resignation and the office is to be filled as provided in Article I, Section IV of these bylaws. 

ARTICLE I, Section V. Duties of Officers 

Article I, Section V-A. ​Chair ​

 ​1. Shall direct the affairs of the GCDP as its administrative officer and be its spokesperson. 2. Shall preside over all meetings of the GCDP and the Executive Committee. 

 3. Shall preside over the caucuses of the Graham County delegation to the State Committee and the Graham County members of the State Executive Committee. 

 4. Shall prepare an agenda after soliciting input from members prior to all meetings of the GCDP and Executive Committee and present at the meeting. 

 5. Shall update members at each meeting of the GCDP with a summary (Chair’s Report) of important relevant events which have occurred at the local, state and national level since the last meeting of the GCDP. 5. Shall attend all Executive Committee meetings and all State Committee meetings when feasible and present reports

thereon at regular GDC meetings. 

 6. Shall perform other duties as set forth in these bylaws. 

Article I, Section V-B. ​Vice-Chair: 

1. Shall coordinate Get Out the Vote efforts and assist the Chair in candidate recruitment and expanding participation of local Democrats in the GCDP. 

2. Shall be a State Committee member and attend all State Committee meetings when feasible. 3. Shall assist the Chair in the performance of the Chair's duties. 

 4. Shall in the absence of the Chair act in the Chair's stead. 

Article I, Section V-C. ​Secretary: 

 1. Shall record minutes of the GDC and Executive Committee meetings. 

 2. Shall keep a record of all Precinct Committee Persons. 

 3. Shall keep a record and file of formal reports of its officers. 

 4. Shall keep a record and file of all resolutions adopted by the GDC. 

 5. Shall notify all Precinct Committee Persons of meetings. 

 6. Shall ensure that all GCDP agendas and minutes are posted. 

Article I, Section V-D. ​Treasurer: 

 1. Shall receive all monies of the GCDP, giving receipt thereof. 

 2. Shall deposit all monies in a bank designated by the Executive Committee. 

 3. Shall disburse all funds in the manner approved by the Executive Committee and a majority of all Precinct Committee Persons in attendance at a regular GDC meeting subject to the presence of a quorum. 

 4. Shall keep a record of all receipts and disbursements. 

 5. Shall make a monthly report at regular MCDCC meetings. 

 6. Shall complete all required Campaign Finance reports in accordance with Arizona Secretary of State requirements and timelines. 

ARTICLE I, Section VI. Executive Committee 

Article I, Section VI-A. 

 ​1. The Executive Committee shall consist of the regular officers of the GCDP. 

Article I, Section VI-B. 

 ​The Executive Committee shall direct the governing functions of the GCDP in accordance with these bylaws. The duties and responsibilities of the Executive Committee shall be limited to determination of issues other than election of officers and bylaws amendments. Election of officers when required elsewhere in these bylaws and bylaws amendments are presented to the membership through Vote by Mail balloting. The Executive Committee cannot prevent Vote by Mail when required for election of officers or bylaws amendments 

ARTICLE I, Section VII. Executive Committee Meetings 

Article I, Section VII-A 

 ​The Executive Committee shall meet as needed. An Executive Committee meeting may be called by the Page 1A of 10 (blank) 

 GCDP Chair at any time. Notice of a meeting shall be by mail, email or direct phone contact to the

Executive Committee members not less than seven (7) days before the meeting. 

Article I, Section VII-B. 

 ​A meeting of the Executive Committee shall be called by the GDC Chair if the Chair receives a written request by two or more members of the Executive Committee. This meeting shall be called within seven (7) days. ​ARTICLE I, Section VIII. Executive Committee Voting 

 ​Only the regular officers of the GCDP shall attend a meeting of the Executive Committee. There shall be no proxy voting. 

ARTICLE I, Section IX. Expenses 

 ​Members of the GCDP and Recognized Volunteers may be reimbursed for expenditures planned for in the annual budget. Requests for reimbursement shall include receipts for such expenditures. All reimbursements shall be included within the GCDP Treasurer’s Report at regular meetings of the GCDP. 

ARTICLE I, Section X. Fiscal Period and Biennial Budget 

Article I, Section X-A 

 ​The Fiscal Period is to be a biennium, beginning January 1, of the year following the General election in even numbered years and continuing for twenty four (24) months. 

Article I, Section X-B. 

 ​The budget is to be drafted by the Treasurer and Chair in accordance with Article I, Section III. It shall be approved by a majority vote of the Precinct Committee Persons attending a regular meeting of the GCDP subject to the presence of a quorum. 

Article I, Section X-C. 

 ​The annual budget shall be effective for the 24-month biennial period. 

Article I, Section X-D. 

 ​Any expenses in excess of the amount budgeted for any line item shall be subjected to the pre approval of a majority vote of Precinct Committee Persons in attendance at a regular GCDP meeting. 

End of Article I, County Commitees


ARTICLE II, Section I. Membership 

 ​GCDP Precinct Committees shall be composed of Precinct Committee Persons, elected or appointed from their election precincts of Graham County. Each election precinct is eligible for at least one (1) Precinct Committee Person. The number of Precinct Committee Person allotments is determined by the County Elections Department proportionate to the voter registration of that precinct. 

 ​ARTICLE II, Section II. Duties of Precinct Committee Persons 

 ​1. Shall attend at least one (1) GCDP meeting every (three 3) months. When a Precinct Committee

Person lives thirty (30) miles or more from the nearest District meeting place this rule does not Page 1A of 10 (blank) 


 2. Shall not support an opposition candidate in a partisan election. 

 3. Shall canvass and campaign in their precincts on behalf of only Democratic candidates, unless there are no Democratic candidates running for a particular office and an Independent who is aligned with Democratic values is running. 

 4. ​Shall assist in turning out a maximum Democratic vote on Election Day. 

 5. Shall assist in registering voters and seeing that new residents of the precinct are registered. 6. Shall assist in encouraging registered Democrats to sign up for the Permanent Early Voter List (PEVL). 7. Shall encourage financial support of the GCDP and the Arizona Democratic Party. 

ARTICLE II, Section III. Associate Precinct Committee Persons 

When the number of allotted Precinct Committee Persons positions in a precinct has been filled, Associate Precinct Committee Persons (APCs) may be appointed by the County Chair and ratified by the majority of members present at a regular county meeting. APCs shall be encouraged to attend and participate in GCDP meetings but shall have no vote in official GCDP business. 

ARTICLE II, Section IV. Removal of a Precinct Committee Person 

*Article II, Section IV-A 

 ​If a Precinct Committee Person fails without reasonable explanation to fulfill the duties of a Precinct Committee Person as stated in Article II, Section II for a period of ninety consecutive days, the Executive Committee may request that the Board of Supervisors declare that Precinct Committee Person's position vacant. The GCDP Chair shall notify the Precinct Committee Person of the Executive Committee's action. *(Reference: Arizona Revised Statutes, Title 38, Section 291, Paragraph 7) 

Article II, Section IV-B. 

When the Executive Committee initiates the removal of a Precinct Committee Person under Article II, Section IV-A, the Chair shall request the Precinct Committee Person's explanation or rebuttal of the reasons that brought about the committee's action. If the Chair is satisfied with the Precinct Committee Person's response, the action shall be terminated. A Precinct Committee Person wishing to appeal removal may petition the GCDP Chair who shall call for a hearing before the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall act as a board of arbiters. The decision of the Executive Committee shall be final. 

ARTICLE II, Section V. Precinct Committee Person Vacancies 

 ​Whenever a vacancy occurs in the office of Precinct Committee Person, any Precinct Committee Person may submit a written nomination to the GCDP Chair for that office. After ratification by the majority of the membership present at a regular GCDP meeting subject to the presence of a quorum, the name will be submitted by the GCDP Chair to the Board of Supervisors for their approval. No vacancy shall be filled during the period between the Primary Election and the GCDP Organizational meeting. 

End of Article II, Precinct Committees

ARTICLE IIIVoting Procedures

ARTICLE III, Section I. Organizational Meeting 

 The GCDP Organizational Meeting shall convene as provided for in State Law, and shall conduct such business ​,​as may properly come before it including election of officers. This meeting shall be held at a time and place to be designated by the incumbent GCDP Chair. The GCDP Secretary shall notify all Precinct Committee Persons elected in the Primary Election of the time and place of such meeting not less than twenty-one (21) days prior to the meeting. 

 ( ​Reference: Arizona Revised Statutes, Title 16,Section 821-828 ​

ARTICLE III, Section II. Other Meetings 

Article III, Section II-A 

 ​The GCDP shall have regular meetings once a month during election years and at least once every two months during non-election years. Meeting dates are set by the Chair with input from attending PCs at the previous meeting. Any changes to the schedule determined at a regular meeting will be presented to and voted on by the Executive Committee. The GCDP Secretary shall notify all PCs of approved changes. 

Article III, Section II-B 

 ​The GCDP Chair may call special meetings of the GCDP from time to time and fix the time and place of said meetings. The GCDP Secretary shall notify all Precinct Committee Persons of special meetings seven (7) days prior to the meeting. 

ARTICLE III, Section III. Quorum and Proxies 

 ​The quorum at all GCDP meetings is to be at least three (3) members of the Executive Committee currently serving plus a total of three (3) active Precinct Committee Persons of Graham County. Proxies are not to be used. 

End of Article III, County Committee Meetings - Organizational and Other 



 ​All monies of the GCDP shall be deposited in one bank account designated by the GCDP Treasurer with approval of the Executive Committee. 

End of Article V, Finances



Recommendations of qualified Democratic voters for positions as election workers or members of election boards to which representatives of the Democratic Party are entitled shall be made by the GCDP Chair not less than ninety (90) days before the date of an election. 

 No Precinct Committee Person shall be appointed as an election worker in a partisan election unless no other worker can be found. 

 ​(Reference: Arizona Revised Statutes, Title 16, Section 531) 

End of Article VI, Appointments to Election Boards



ARTICLE VII, Section I. Membership 

The Graham County Delegation of the State Committee of the Democratic Party shall consist of the GCDP Chair, the GCDP Vice-Chair and the prescribed number, by law, of Precinct Committee Persons. These members are to be elected at an open nomination and election process at the County Organizational meeting. 

ARTICLE VII, Section II. Vacancies 

If during the biennial term following the GCDP Organizational Meeting a total number of State Committee Persons from the various districts in the county does not equal the county's quota, the GCDP Chair may appoint the additional Precinct Committee Persons necessary to fill the county's quota. 

End of Article VII, State Committee 

ARTICLE VIII - Parliamentary authority


 ​The Parliamentary Authority is to be the most recent revision of ​Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised. 

End of Article VIII, Parliamentary Authority

ARTICLE IX - Amendments


 ​Any proposed changes to these bylaws shall be presented to the membership at a regular meeting of the GCDP. After discussion, the GCDP Chair may entertain a motion to appoint an ad hoc committee to consider the proposed amendments and make recommendations to the Executive Committee. The final proposal of the ad hoc committee shall be sent by mail or hand delivery to all members of the GCDP at least 21 days prior to the GCDP meeting at which the amendments are to be presented for first discussion.

No action shall be taken at this meeting on the proposed amendment. The second reading shall be at the next regular meeting. Additional readings, if necessary, shall be at successive regular meetings. A vote shall be made by Vote by Mail ( see Article IV, Section II). The ballots must be returned by mail before the second regular meeting after the ballot mailing. The ballots returned by mail must favor the proposal to make the proposed changes effective. These bylaws may not be amended in any way to make them contrary to the Arizona Democratic Party Bylaws and/or Arizona Revised Statutes. 

End of Article IX, Amendments 


 ​1. Elected Precinct Committee Person: A Precinct Committee Person deemed elected by the GR County Board of Supervisors following the biennial primary election. 

 2. Appointed Precinct Committee Person: A Precinct Committee Person Appointed by the Greenlee County Board of Supervisors during the biennial interim period. 

 3. Precinct Committee Person (PC): A Precinct Committee Person, elected or appointed, shall have the same membership rights and privileges following the conclusion of the election of officers at the Biennial Organization Meeting. 

 4. Associate Precinct Committee Person (APC):A participating Democrat appointed by the Chair when a precinct has met its allotment of Elected and Appointed PCs. 

 5. Notify by mail: The term "notify by mail" means notification by US Postal Service mail. 

 6. Notify: The term "notify", without qualifications, means contact by telephone, email or US Postal Service. 

 7. Vote by Mail ​: ​The term "Vote by Mail" means utilization of the US Postal Service for distribution and collection of voting material and ballots. 

 8. Mail ​: ​The term "mail" means US Postal Service mail. 

 9. GCDP: The term “GCDP” means Graham County Democrats